About Us

Explore the heart and soul behind our brand, rooted in a dedication to customer satisfaction and innovation.

Join us on a journey where every idea finds expression, and customization knows no limits. 

the owner of KM Customs and her dogs

The Woman Behind The Show

Meet The Owner

Meet Kaitlin, the passionate creator and owner behind our unique brand. Her journey into the world of crafting began in her early years, crafting alongside her grandmother. From those early moments of creativity, Kaitlin has always embraced her creativity, fostering a deep love for crafting custom items that stand out from the ordinary.

Prior to venturing into the realm of custom creations, Kaitlin owned and operated a dog training and raw dog food business. Specializing in training both pet dogs and police K-9s, she brought her expertise and dedication to shaping well-trained, disciplined companions and applied it into KM Customs.

At the heart of her world are her cherished German Shepherds, Brody and Roxy, who mean the world to her. Kaitlin's relentless work ethic is driven by her unwavering commitment to providing her loyal canine companions with the best life possible.

For Kaitlin, crafting isn't just a profession; it's a lifelong passion rooted in a love for making things extraordinary. Her journey, shaped by a dedication to uniqueness and a love for her four-legged friends, defines the spirit of our brand.

Love What She Does? Let Her Know!

Quality, Creativity, & customer Service

Our Mission

KM Customs takes great delight in expressing our creativity and crafting unique items. Our enthusiasm originates from the happiness we witness in others when their ideas materialize through our work.

While producing top-quality products is essential, KM Customs is equally committed to establishing a customer community that transcends a mere transactional relationship, aiming for a connection that goes beyond business to foster genuine friendships.

Support Our Small Business Dreams

Our DTF Printer

The Heart of our operation

At the core of KM Customs' operations lies our commercial DTF (Direct-to-Film) printer. Unleashing the power of dual heads, this chunk of metal delivers lightning-speed transfers with vibrant colors and high resolution prints. Producing high-quality, high-resolution DTF prints that are second to none is the first step in creating your custom products.

What sets us apart is not just the speed, but the uncompromising commitment to quality ingrained in every facet of our operation. At KM Customs, we firmly believe that the key to outstanding prints lies in the combination of top-tier ink and film. Our materials are meticulously selected to guarantee vibrant colors that pop, a soft hand feel that invites touch, and transfers that withstand the test of time.

While others may resort to using converted, budget-friendly printers and subpar supplies to cut costs, we stand firm in our belief that compromise has no place in the pursuit of excellence. At KM Customs, we understand that investing in the right tools is paramount to crafting top-quality products. Our DTF printer is not just a machine; it's the heartbeat of our operation, a testament to our unwavering commitment to providing you with nothing less than the absolute best.

Work with KM Customs, where we turn your visions into reality!